Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine

This weeks wordpress weekly photo challenge is Mine.  I am posting here one of the indoor clicks which I took some time ago while reading a book.

Books and the whole experience of reading is an symbol of solitude for me. And the experience is what I truly cherish. I am very possessive about my books and share a very special relationship with all the books I read. Since the beginning when I started reading books I have habit of marking and noting down views and my comments in the margins of the book and by the time I finish a book its all the more important for me. I rarely share my books.

Isn’t it odd how much fatter a book gets when you’ve read it several times?” Mo had said…”As if something were left between the pages every time you read it. Feelings, thoughts, sounds, smells…and then, when you look at the book again many years later, you find yourself there, too, a slightly younger self, slightly different, as if the book had preserved you like a pressed flower…both strange and familiar.

– Cornelia Funke

45 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine

  1. soumyav

    Beautiful click!Hitesh heres one for it!

    How beautifully the pages fold,
    creating anew world of their own,
    they have stories of life and dreams,
    some go long ,some very deep,
    some pierce our heart through,
    the pages of book ..
    aren’t they amazingly true!

            1. Hitesh Patel Post author

              Well with limited knowledge I have I can tell you that MP’s are not very important unless you want to enlarge your pictures. 24x is more than enough and also look for better ISO (higher the better for photography in low light).

              Most of cameras these days have standard features but chose a well known camera brand like Nikon, Canon or Sony so that in case of any servicing issue you dont face any problem.

              One more personal advice. If you are buying a camera to learn photography and plan to buy a SLR later on, dont spend too much now.

              1. soumyav

                Thanks for the info..no not learning. I just want a real good one for the landscapes and better clarity. i own a one which has16MP and 5X ,a very normal,want a semi pro, we have many choices here,and all r international brands. its electronics fair time now .

                1. Hitesh Patel Post author

                  Okay. Which place are you talking about?
                  BTW if you can spend decent amount I think you should try your hand at Sony NEX series mirror less cameras. Its a relatively new technology and has results compared with SLR cameras. Its very compact and you can also change lenses.

    1. Hitesh Patel Post author

      Thanks Marion 🙂
      I used to share my books but I hardly got them return. Its not the bad intention of the people borrowing books but their careless attitude.

      1. Marion Driessen

        The first thing I do after buying a book, is writing my name in it. That helps. My son has borrowed another fantasy trilogy, and now one of his friends is reading the Hunger Games. He promised I would get the books back. If not, I’ll drive down myself to get them 😉

        1. Hitesh Patel Post author

          Yes you can but that looks rude !!!
          Most of the time people will end up saying ” oh yes I am about to finish the book, will give you when we meet next !!”

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine | R Shad

  3. Paula

    This is a fantastic shot HItesh… I used to be very possessive about my books, nowdays I am happier to share :D. I love the quote too …

  4. Paula

    I was going through my file of quotes, found this one, and thought of your post :).
    Here it is: “A book reads the better which is our own, and has been so long known to us, that we know the topography of its blots, and dog’s ears, and can trace the dirt in it to having read it at tea with buttered muffins.”
    Charles Lamb

  5. Paula

    Hello Hitesh, I’ve just phoned my husband in his office and he tried to start the player and could listen to it too. What browser are you using?

      1. Paula

        Me too :S. I saw your page in my hotmail.. I have gmail account too ;). I hope this is just some temporary mix up in your work computer….

  6. pseudomonaz

    Great photograph.. your love for books is pretty clear with the way the pic has come out to be, it looks like a heart.. 🙂
    I love books too,except my course books. 😉 beautiful quote btw.


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